Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moment of truth #4

Alright what tonight? Good question what is next, what do we do, where do we go from here? Well the truth is I heard the other night on the radio that regulation is sending American business over seas. That's funny the same regulation is not keeping the foreign countries from opening business in America. I was told by an intern of my congressman that we have one of the highest corporate taxes in the world here in the United States. That they said was sending our business over seas. Sorry I don't believe that.

Remember equal protection under the law says that everyone is receiving the same treatment. If that is so why are the foreiners investing over here, and they are opening up business left and right. Are they getting special privilages? Good question right! How about all the temporary services hiring Mexicans. Why don't they spread it around and work blacks, whites and other nationalities. Once again all good questions right. I didn't talk much about the economy tonight, but I wanted to induce a little food for thought. Now maybe we can proceed forward. See you soon God willing.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Moment of truth #3

Welcome to the moment of truth part #3. Scary thing trying to tell people about the economy when the people we elect don't seem to know anything about it. I wonder if things are really as bad as we think, or as bad as we are told. I mean when I am writing about this I have to wonder if the goverment is holding out on us or what. Are they telling us the truth, the real truth. After all we elect sinful men to govern sinful men.

I mean what do we expect, are they suppose to be better than us? They are subject to all the same passions, and impulses as we are. So we they are a reflection of us, and the bottom is only as strong as the top. Than we should only look as far as ourselves to find the answers to our economical problems. How are your finances, are your bills paid? Do you have a budget, do you stick to it? All of these questions should be answered before we think about the national budget. Food for thought. How is my finanical situation? If you don't have a budget make one today. Compare when I write again very soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moment of truth #2

We talked about the Federal Reserve. We talked about the heart of man, so what is next? There are ways to turn the economy around. But that must be done soon. You must remember inflation is caused by goverment spending. AKA spending more money than they take in. What they do is max out a credit card. They borrow money to pay the deficit. They borrow from the Federal Reserve.

When you borrow from someone you have to pay it back, with interest. Remember before we go any further, that if the Fed. were part of the goverment we would not have to borrow. In other words all we would do is write a check to make up for the over spend. Are you with me so far. That is why we borrow because we don't have any money, or control over ourselves, or the goverment. That is why it is so important to get control of ourselves before we can control the goverment. There will be more tomorrow God willing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Moment of truth

I said that I would write about the economy everyday, but sometimes you have to work up the courage. The real truth of what is wrong with economy is the Federal Reserve. They are not part of the federal goverment, yet they are allowed to control the economy. We are their slaves, our freedom is all gone. Your real money is gold and silver coin. Federal Reserve notes are only a promise to pay.

We have worked all of our lives for a handful of paper that is not even real money. Because we can't redeem it for gold or silver. That means that every transaction is illegal. We are cheated so in turn we cheat other people. I will leave you there, that way I will think about what I will say tomorrow. I will be back I hope.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

economy part 2

I guess when I say that the bottom is only as strong as the top. The people we elect is a reflection of ourselves. We identify with the people we vote for. So the real blame goes on us. So why are we pointing fingers? We blame one party or the other, but never ourselves. We vote for them. They are out of control because we are out of control. I have said alot without saying anything. Guess I should run for public office, right, okay, what do you say? I will continue to write even if I never get any readers. From now on there will be meaning to my writing. See you tomorrow. Lucas Chocolate City coming soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009


A lot of people may not understand, or maybe want to understand that at some point the economy will fail. I wish I had time and space to be more specific. Short stories have to be more to the point. We have been warned for years about the economic disasters that were coming. But we refused to see the light. I will try to explain more in future artiticles about the cause. I will leave you this thought, the bottom is only as strong as the top. Maybe this will stop the finger pointing. The rest we will talk about later!

Remember Lucas chocolate city is coming soon.