Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moment of truth #4

Alright what tonight? Good question what is next, what do we do, where do we go from here? Well the truth is I heard the other night on the radio that regulation is sending American business over seas. That's funny the same regulation is not keeping the foreign countries from opening business in America. I was told by an intern of my congressman that we have one of the highest corporate taxes in the world here in the United States. That they said was sending our business over seas. Sorry I don't believe that.

Remember equal protection under the law says that everyone is receiving the same treatment. If that is so why are the foreiners investing over here, and they are opening up business left and right. Are they getting special privilages? Good question right! How about all the temporary services hiring Mexicans. Why don't they spread it around and work blacks, whites and other nationalities. Once again all good questions right. I didn't talk much about the economy tonight, but I wanted to induce a little food for thought. Now maybe we can proceed forward. See you soon God willing.

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