Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moment of truth #2

We talked about the Federal Reserve. We talked about the heart of man, so what is next? There are ways to turn the economy around. But that must be done soon. You must remember inflation is caused by goverment spending. AKA spending more money than they take in. What they do is max out a credit card. They borrow money to pay the deficit. They borrow from the Federal Reserve.

When you borrow from someone you have to pay it back, with interest. Remember before we go any further, that if the Fed. were part of the goverment we would not have to borrow. In other words all we would do is write a check to make up for the over spend. Are you with me so far. That is why we borrow because we don't have any money, or control over ourselves, or the goverment. That is why it is so important to get control of ourselves before we can control the goverment. There will be more tomorrow God willing.

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