Sunday, September 20, 2009

Moment of truth #3

Welcome to the moment of truth part #3. Scary thing trying to tell people about the economy when the people we elect don't seem to know anything about it. I wonder if things are really as bad as we think, or as bad as we are told. I mean when I am writing about this I have to wonder if the goverment is holding out on us or what. Are they telling us the truth, the real truth. After all we elect sinful men to govern sinful men.

I mean what do we expect, are they suppose to be better than us? They are subject to all the same passions, and impulses as we are. So we they are a reflection of us, and the bottom is only as strong as the top. Than we should only look as far as ourselves to find the answers to our economical problems. How are your finances, are your bills paid? Do you have a budget, do you stick to it? All of these questions should be answered before we think about the national budget. Food for thought. How is my finanical situation? If you don't have a budget make one today. Compare when I write again very soon.

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